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York University

Fitness Assessment and Exercise Counselling

Program Information

School:York University
Field of Study:Health Services/Allied Health/Health Sciences, General
Kinesiology and Exercise Science
Description:The fitness movement has been growing steadily over the past two decades. Many Canadians have become convinced that enhanced fitness leads to healthier, longer and more enjoyable lives. Corporations have learned that improved employee fitness translates into increased productivity. Governments, faced with soaring medical expenses, have come to realize that preventive medicine is a more cost effective solution to health care and they are now committed to promoting active living.

Consequently, the business of fitness with all of its spin-off enterprises is one of the fastest growing industries in North America. With this growth, there has developed an increasing opportunity for employment. During the early years, there was virtually no regulation on the qualifications of workers in the Fitness Industry. However, with increasing consumer sophistication there was a demand for qualified professionals. Therefore, national certification programs were developed for fitness appraisers and fitness leaders, and with the subsequent implementation of government-sanctioned safety standards, these have become essential qualifications for persons seeking employment in the fitness industry.

This certificate program can be earned in conjunction with the Bachelor of Arts (BA) or Bachelor of Science (BSc) options in Kinesiology and Health Science.
URL:Fitness Assessment and Exercise Counselling at York University
Course Based:Yes
Length:2 Year(s)
Modified on October 28, 2022